Today’s guest speaker is Kristen Emrick. All of the information normally found in our bulletin is below the video. Simply click on "Read More" to load the rest of the bulletin. You can use this to follow the service, as well as to pray our unison prayers. All joys and concerns that we know, as well as our continuing prayer list is within the Joys and Concerns. Announcements can be found at the bottom of this service. Prelude: ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP: Leader: In the times of trouble, when all seemed hopeless, I cried out to God. People: And the Lord heard my pleas and answered me. Leader: When I felt lost and alone, I looked for God. People: And God found me and brought me home. Leader: When my life was filled with joy and blessing, I danced and praised God. People: And God danced and rejoiced with me. Thanks be to God. AMEN. INVOCATION HYMN: “Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above” #343 CALL TO CONFESSION: We have been called to follow Christ by obeying his one commandment: That we love one another as he has loved us. Let us confess how we have fallen short of that love. Pray with me now the Prayer of Confession found printed in your order of worship. PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Unison) Holy, triune God, we confess that we have not lived for your glory. You claim us as your people, but we seek out other saviors. You welcome us into your house, but we bring conflict and division. Forgive us, God of grace. Restore and rebuild us so that we may be ready to live in the eternal home you promise; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Time of Silent Prayer ASSURANCE OF PARDON: Christ loves us so much that he laid down his life for us and calls us his family. If we can forgive our family, how much more does Christ forgive us! Believe the promise given to you: in Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Response – Gloria Patri CHILDREN’S CHAT Prayer of Illumination: Pour out your Holy Spirit upon us, O God, in the reading of your Word, that we would hear what you have to say to us today. May your Holy Spirit be poured out upon us; through Jesus Christ. Amen. Scripture Reading: Old Testament: Psalm 138:1-8 New Testament: Mark 3:20-35 Psalm 138:1-8 L: The Word of the Lord P: Thanks be to God! Sermon: “The Family of Jesus” HYMN: “In Christ There Is No East Or West” # 685 Affirmation of Faith: Apostles’ Creed Prayers of the People and The Lord’s Prayer: Generous God, You love us with an everlasting love and show us the way to justice and peace. In Jesus Christ you have reconciled the whole world to you and claimed us as your own, calling to us, gathering us in, you give us your good work to do, daily bread, and boundless grace. Increase in us a generous spirit so that we may do your work with joy alongside others whom you also love. We celebrate your salvation not only in our lives, but also in the lives of other people. Lord, we lift to you our concerns this day. Align us with your ways and help us to use the talents you have given us to further your kingdom. Hear our prayers as we pray as Jesus taught us to pray saying, “Our Father…” Presentation of Our Tithes and Offerings (Offering plates located at door) Let us show our love of Christ and our love for our neighbors by giving generously so that we may bear the lasting fruit of Christ’s love. We will receive the morning offering. Doxology Prayer of Dedication God of new life, out of the abundance of our lives we offer these gifts to you. Through your blessing and our willingness to share, may these offerings become a source for hope and love in this church family, and in the community beyond us, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Concerns and Celebrations BIRTHDAYS Madison Ward, John O’Hara, Gary Gibson ANNIVERSARIES Beverly & William Calhoun, Lucy and Jack Kime , Jean and Ron Westfall JOYS AND CONCERNS What a Joy to have Ed and Carol Horne in church last Sunday after a year or longer of Ed going through so much sickness. Praise be to God! Jim Kuhn is in Allegheny General Hospital with pneumonia and was in ICU for a few days then moved to a regular room keeping him for further tests regarding the mass on his pancreas. Please keep Jim and Jean in your prayers. SYMPATHY To The Family of Elizabeth (Libby) Hamilton To The Family of Ruth Hampe Continued prayers for Susan Schively, Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Lisa Phillips, Dixie Avoila, Chuck Dicks, Randy Moore, Karen Eisiminger, Ed Horne, June and Keith McGill, Glenn Miles, Roger Riggs, Doug Ward, Deron Wood, Marge McWreath, Tim Knabenshue, Bill Stewart, Adam Moore, Cris Miller, Frank Huffman, Nellie and Frank Baker, Michael Durila, Jr., Michael Durila Sr., Justin Hagon, Marlene Huffman, Betty Matthews, Susan West, Cody Patrick, Tom Westfall. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Prayers of the People HYMN: “Oh Jesus I have Promised” #402 BENEDICTION Go now in peace, knowing the miracles that God has produced in your life. Be assured that there are still more miracles to come. Bear witness to God’s love to all you meet. In the name of the Creator, the Holy One who resides with you always, go in peace. AMEN. POSTLUDE COVID GUIDELINES for Church Services: Face masks, hand sanitizer, social distance & seating 6 feet apart, please participate in SINGING and responsive readings at your seat if comfortable.
We welcome all who have come to join us in the worship of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please come again. If you are visiting with us today, please let us know that we might welcome you into our church family.
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AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
November 2024