We were not able to record today's worship service. However, the bulletin and announcements are below. The Anniversary Committee is especially looking for recipes for a cookbook. Prelude: Ron Dobscha ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: Lord, use this day of worship as a door for the Word. Help us to declare the message of Christ. Help us to hear the Gospel, to treasure it. Open our Hearts. Fill us with Your Spirit that we may know what it means to walk in wisdom. We come this day thirsty to hear the Word that will never leave us thirsty again. To receive the water that springs up to eternal life. We are here in this place to worship You, O God, we pray to You, we sing to You, all that we do is to worship You. You alone are worthy. INVOCATION: *Hymn “Spring of Living Water” see insert * PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Unison) Lord, we come now ready to confess our sin before You and before one another. Even as people justified and born again, we struggle with sin every day of our lives. In our interaction with others we often have been walls instead of doors for the Gospel. Instead of presenting and making way for the good news, we often stand in the way and shut others out. We are not gracious in our actions and our speech, and we reject the wisdom that You impart to us. We look at prayer as a last resort instead of quickly turning to You in our time of need and sin. We recognize that our only hope is in Christ, so as we confess these sins today, help us to see the mercy and grace of Jesus in the middle of our sinfulness. Amen *Time of silent prayer. *Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri #581 *Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Psalm 119:41-48 Ruby Hathaway Sermon Text: Colossians 4:2-18 *Hymn “Here I Am Lord” # 69 *Apostles Creed Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn “This is My Fathers World” # 370 *Benediction Postlude: Ron Dobscha Birthdays:
Ron Westfall Honey (Lois) Moore Anniversaries: None Sympathies: To the Family of James Donald Richmond Bob Moore’s brother-in-law Remember our food collection, and Jesus said, “You give them something to eat”. Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Our next Dart ball game is Sept. 24. Practice starts 7 pm and the game starts at 7:30. The game is at Free Methodist church at Glenn Street in Washington. Our 250th Anniversary plans are coming together. If interested in any of our committees or if you have photos or anything that pertains to the anniversary, please bring it to church so we can document them, then return them to you.
Prelude: Ron Dobscha
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD. Let us shout aloud to the Rock of our Salvation. For the LORD is the great God. The great King above all others. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our maker. For He is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under His care. INVOCATION
*Hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness” # 39
* PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Unison) Father, we confess that we are often reluctant to accept Your ways, we are hesitant to believe that Your ways could possibly be better than ours, Instead of obedience, we allow our desires and understanding to lead us. Throughout our days we do not reflect the God that we belong to. Forgive us for wanting to serve anything other than You and reflecting anything other than our Father who has called us children of God. As we confess these sins and many others, we look to Your perfect Son who suffered in our place as our only hope in life and death. AMEN *Time of silent prayer. *Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri #581 *Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Psalm 47 Ruby Hathaway Sermon Text: Colossians 3: 18-25 *Hymn “Guide Me, O thou Great Jehovah” # 65 *Apostles Creed Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling” # 366 *Benediction Postlude: Ron Dobscha
Birthdays: Janet Brach, Carol Stough
Anniversaries: Nelson & Marlene Huffman Don & Evelyn Herschell Tom & Cris Miller Chris & Tiffany Cipoletti Sympathies: To the Family of Linda Richmond Bob Moore’s sister Remember our food collection, and Jesus said, “You give them something to eat”. Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. All who came to our first Dart ball game had a great time. Our next game is on the 17th at West Washington. The game starts at 7 pm. Warm up is at 6:30. Our 250th Anniversary plans are coming together. If interested in any of our committees or if you have photos or anything that pertains to the anniversary, please bring it to church so we can document them, then return them to You.
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Ricci Amos, Sandy Stone, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Chuck Harton, Suzy Smith, Fred Wilkinson, Donna West, Marley Smith, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Helen Provenzano, Carol Pierce, Jim King, Mary Stoey, Johnny Yurko, Ron Poznic, Betty Fisher, Tim Knabensue, The McFeely’s, Chuck Kapaika, Ron Westfall, Margaret Danna, Karen Hunter, Tommy Ann Sanders ( 5 yr.old, Mary Ann Durila, Carolyn Knabensue, Norma Jean Kelso, David Smith, Nellie Baker, Marilyn Ward, Bob & Honey Moore
Birthdays: Nora Beth Gill, Janet Rhoades, Jean Kuhn
Anniversaries: Dave & Susie Cummings Gary & Diana Donaldson Sympathies: To the family of Norma Kelley Ruschell Nellie Baker’s sister To the Family of Linda Knox Morgan Marilyn Ward’s sister Remember our food collection, and Jesus said, “You give them something to eat”. Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Dart ball is scheduled for Tuesday the 10th here at North Buffalo Church in the social hall. Warm up is at 7pm and the game starts at 7:30. Come join in the fellowship with the Women’s Mission Group This Tuesday, Sept. 10th at 9:30 am in the social hall. I have added to the prayer list a new item. All surgeries have been performed and everything went well. Please continue prayers for a full and speedy recovery for all. You’re invited to join us for Sunday School! We will meet after the worship service in the Sunday School room behind the folding doors. Our fall quarter is all about worship in the Old Testament. Each week, we read a passage from the Bible and learn about the content and background. We discuss how that passage informs our faith and our lives. It is a great time for fellowship and learning more about God! If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to one of the teachers, Lois Miller, Don Herschell, or Christine Welling. Our 250th Anniversary plans are coming together. If interested in any of our committees or if you have photos or anything that pertains to the anniversary, please bring it to church so we can document them, then return them to you.
Prelude: Ron Dobscha
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: In Christ, we have true freedom. Outward acts are no longer signs of our devotion to God but hearts turned in faith to Christ are. We worship God not with empty religious practices but with hearts that love and delight in Him. We died with Christ, He has made us alive in Him. Come and worship Him, the one in whom true freedom is found. INVOCATION:
* Hymn “ Take My Life” #697
* PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Unison) Father, we often think that all You want of us is the right routine. If we go to church enough, if we volunteer in enough programs That is all that You desire. We are guilty of wanting to appear Religious yet ignore Your commands. We devote ourselves to You on Sunday mornings and then turn from You the rest of the week. Forgive us for offering words of devotion to You but withholding our hearts. Forgive us for being satisfied by going through the motions and not offering our full devotion. Have mercy on us for these sins and the many we carry every Day. Amen *Time of silent prayer. *Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri #581 *Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Psalm 138 Don Herschell Sermon Text: Colossians 2: 16-23 *Hymn “Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet” # 458 *Apostles Creed Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn “What a Fellowship, What a Joy Devine # 837 *Benediction Postlude: Ron Dobscha
Birthdays: Linda Miller, Mary Hathaway
Anniversaries: Tom & Linda Miller John & Barb O’Hara Remember our food collection, and Jesus said, “You give them something to eat”. Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. I have added to the prayer list a new item. There are a few surgeries coming up in the next few days and weeks. Please check the prayer list for who they are and what surgery they are having. You’re invited to join us for Sunday School!! We will meet after the worship service in the Sunday School room behind the folding doors. Our fall quarter is all about worship in the Old Testament. Each week, we read a passage from the Bible, and learn about the content and background. We discuss how that passage informs our faith and our lives. It is a great time for fellowship and learning more about God! If you have any questions, please feel free to talk to one of the teachers, Lois Miller, Don Hershell, or Christine Welling. Our 250th Anniversary plans are coming together. If interested in any of our committees or if you have photos or anything that pertains to the anniversary, please bring it to church so we can document them, then return them to You.
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Ricci Amos, Sandy Stone, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Chuck Harton, Suzy Smith, Fred Wilkinson, Donna West, Marley Smith, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Helen Provenzano, Carol Pierce, Jim King, Mary Stoey, Johnny Yurko, Ron Poznic, Betty Fisher, Tim Knabensue, The McFeely’s, Chuck Kapaika, Nellie Baker, Kayla Horner, Ed Stavovy, Tommy Ann Sanders ( 5 yr.old), Ron Westfall, Margaret Danna, Mary Ann Durila, Carolyn Knabensue, Linda Morgan, Dan, Doug, Marilyn Ward, Shirley Richman, Norma Jean Kelso, David Smith, Karen Hunter
Prelude: Carol Smith
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: We were once dead in our trespasses but in Christ, God has made us alive! In Christ, we have been forgiven all of our trespasses. Our record of sin, as it was, has been cancelled. It was nailed to the cross, and we bear it no more, Our God has put the enemy to shame. And so we will walk in Him! We are rooted and built up in Him! Let us worship Him today, the Lord Jesus who takes away our sin. INVOCATION:
* Hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! # 1
* PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Unison) Lord, we come to You with a ledger of sin that we seem to add to everyday. Our actions do not reflect the love and devotion we have toward You, our thoughts and our hearts do not reflect our submission to You. Even though we confess that You have bought us at a great price, we give ourselves to lesser things. We trust though that through faith, You cancel the debt that we have built up. That You alone can forgive and forget our wicked ways. So we turn to You again this day for mercy. We look to You as our hope bringing us from death to life. Amen. *Time of silent prayer. *Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri #581 *Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Psalm 92 Mary Esselstyn Sermon Text: Colossians 2: 6-15 *Hymn “Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound. # 649 *Apostles Creed Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine! # 839 *Benediction Postlude: Carol Smith
Birthdays: Carley McCoy
Next week, we will be switching our worship and Sunday School times. Worship will be at 9:45 am, and Sunday School will be directly after. Remember our food collection, and Jesus said, “You give them something to eat”. Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Our 250th Anniversary plans are coming together. If interested in any of our committees or if you have photos or anything that pertains to the anniversary, please bring it to church so we can document them, then return them to You.
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Ricci Amos, Sandy Stone, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Chuck Harton, Suzy Smith, Fred Wilkinson, Donna West, Marley Smith, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Helen Provenzano, Carol Pierce, Jim King, Mary Stoey, Johnny Yurko, Ron Poznic, Betty Fisher, Tim Knabensue, Norma Jean Kelso, The McFeely’s, Chuck Kapaika, Nellie Baker, Kayla Horner, Ed Stavovy, Tommy Ann Sanders ( 5 yr.old), Ron Westfall, Margaret Danna, Mary Ann Durila, Carolyn Knabensue, Linda Morgan, Dan, Doug, Marilyn Ward
Prelude: Ron Dobscha
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: Everyone who serves God come and offer thanks. Thank You God for Your love to us. Everyone who has gathered in this place, lift your hands and praise God. Thank You God for Your love in this place. Shout praises to God for you are God’s servants, so shout praises. Thank You God for Your faithfulness. Praise the name of our God who is kind and good. Thank You God for Your love endures forever! We come to worship You today. INVOCATION:
* Hymn “We Are One in the Spirit” # 300
* PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Unison) Most gracious and merciful God, we confess to You that time after time, we have offered sincere sounding prayers, but our hearts have been closed to Your grace. We have lifted our hands to You in praise, but our feet have still walked in the way of sin. We have heard Your word and celebrated Your sacraments, but we have refused to see the needs of our neighbor. Forgive our lack of faith and love. Grant us the cleansing that can only come from You. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen *Time of silent prayer *Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri #581 *Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Psalm 111 Kirkland Cipoletti Sermon Text: Colossians 1: 24 – 2: 5 Baptism of Wilder David Neil *Hymn “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” # 306 *Apostles Creed Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn “Standing on the Promises” # 838 *Benediction Postlude: Ron Dobscha
Birthdays: Marilyn Ward, Don Hanes
Anniversaries: Tim & Janet Schivley Sympathies: To the Family of Connie Palmer To the Family of Bill Buxton Both are friends of Debbie Durila Remember our food collection, and Jesus said, “You give them something to eat”. Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Our 250th Anniversary plans are coming together. If interested in any of our committees or if you have photos or anything that pertains to the anniversary, please bring it to church so we can document them, then return them to You. Schools are starting back this week. Be safe and courteous !!
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Ricci Amos, Sandy Stone, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Chuck Harton, Suzy Smith, Fred Wilkinson, Donna West, Marley Smith, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Helen Provenzano, Carol Pierce, Jim King, Mary Stoey, Johnny Yurko, Ron Poznic, Betty Fisher, Tim Knabensue, Norma Jean Kelso, The McFeely’s, Chuck Kapaika, Doug Ward, Nellie Baker, Kayla Horner, Ed Stavovy, Tommy Ann Sanders ( 5 yr.old), Ron Westfall, Margaret Danna, Mary Ann Durila, Carolyn Knabensue
Next Sunday, we will be worshipping at the Washington County Fair at 11 am.
Prelude: Ron Dobscha
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: Jesus is before all things. He holds all things together. All that we see and that we cannot see was made and made for our Lord Jesus. By the blood of his cross, all things are reconciled. Even when we were once alienated and hostile to Him, we find reconciliation in His body. Jesus will present us holy and blameless, above reproach before God. If we remain in faith, we will be welcomed into the glory that is His. Let us worship today the one who does this incredible work out of His great love for His people. INVOCATION:
* Hymn “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” # 829
* PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Unison) Father, we have failed to love You as we should. We have failed to love others as we love ourselves. We have chosen wrong when we know what is right. We have rejected Your rule and submitted ourselves to lesser kingdoms. Restore us O Lord and teach us Your way. Give us undivided hearts, that we may fear Your name. Then we will praise You, O God, with all that is in us, and glorify Your name forever. Amen *Time of silent prayer *Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri #581 *Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Nehemiah 9: 5b – 6 Debbie Durila Sermon Text: Colossians 1: 15 - 23 *Hymn “What a Fellowship, What a Joy Divine” # 837 *Apostles Creed Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE *“Let us Break Bread Together” #525 Communion “Alleluia” (see insert) INVOCATION *Hymn “A Hymn of Joy we Sing” (see insert) *Benediction Postlude: Ron Dobscha
Birthdays: None this week
No service next week so I am including all birthdays for that week. Billie Wilson, Mike Hildebrand, Doug Ward, Grant Molinaro Anniversaries: Don & Karen Hanes Remember our food collection, and Jesus said, “You give them something to eat”. Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Our 250th Anniversary plans are coming together. If interested in any of our committees or if you have photos or anything that pertains to the anniversary, please bring it to church so we can document them, then return them to You. Remember!!! No service here at North Buffalo next Sunday. Service is at 11am at the fair in the Nadene Gardner tent. Transportation can be had if needed.
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Ricci Amos, Sandy Stone, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Chuck Harton, Suzy Smith, Fred Wilkinson, Donna West, Marley Smith, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Helen Provenzano, Carol Pierce, Jim King, Mary Stoey, Johnny Yurko, Ron Poznic, Betty Fisher, Tim Knabensue, Norma Jean Kelso, The McFeely’s, Chuck Kapaika, Doug Ward, Nellie Baker, Kayla Horner, Ed Stavovy, Tommy Ann Sanders ( 5 yr.old), Tom Blackhurst, Ron Westfall, Helen Wagner, Randy Pitre, Margaret Danna, Eli Taylor, Mason Adams
Gathering Around the Word
Prelude: Choir ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: May Christ be exalted He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation For Him and by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible. We rely on His sustaining power He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is the head of the church and in Him the fullness of God does dwell. Today, as we come together to worship, may we remember and reflect upon the supremacy of Christ, who is our Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer. Let us offer our praise and adoration to Him who holds all things together and who has reconciled us to God. Amen INVOCATION
*HYMN “The Church’s One Foundation” # 321
(intro then 5 verses) PRAYER OF CONFESSION Father, we confess that we have built many idols in our lives. We say that we will follow You alone and yet we are often drawn away by the world’s allure of immediate satisfaction and pleasure. We haven’t always been good stewards of our time, money, or energy. Instead of being a people focused on the well-being of others and Your glory, we have so often thought only of ourselves. Have mercy on us. Remind us that we serve a jealous God who desires our full affection. Yet even in our sin, encourage us of the coming day when sin and evil will be no more. Amen. *Time of silent prayer: Assurance of Pardon Response – Gloria Patri # 581 * Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer of illumination Scripture: Joshua 24: 1-3, 14-25 Sermon text Colossians 1: 15-23 *HYMN “In the Cross of Christ I Glory” # 213 (no intro then 5 verses) *Apostles Creed (next to Prayer List) Presentation of tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the people The Lord’s Prayer *HYMN ”To God Be the Glory” # 634 (intro then 2 verses) *Benediction *Postlude Choir
BIRTHDAYS Ruby Hathaway, Bill Reese Jr
The Women's Missionary Group will meet on Tuesday, November 14 at 9:30 am. Please join us as we gather in fellowship downstairs in the social hall. We thank everyone who donated to our Thank Offering Collection last Sunday. If you were not able to attend, designated envelopes are in the pews for your convenience in giving to this program. Thank you for your support in all we do. The Women on Wednesday will be meeting at 9:30, November 15 to continue getting ready for our bake sale. If interested in joining the group, WELCOME!! Also, if you would like to donate cookies, cakes or anything edible for the bake sale contact Debbie Durila. The bake sale is next Sunday, November 19 after church in the social hall.
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sandy Stone, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Jimmy Svetz, Ricci Amos, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Fred Wilkinson, Diane Anderson, Helen Provenzano, Donna West, Judy Donaldson, Marlene McFeely, Sue Gregg, Wendy Willard, Marley Smith, Kirkland Cipoletti, Ellen Morris, Dave Henderson, Ed Horne, Doris Ann Rowe, Hunter Beck, Karen Eisiminger, Rev. Shetter's grandson, Beckett, Tim Knabensue, Helen Bury, Glenn “Mikey” Hardin, Suzy Smith, Richard Wagner, Steven Shuba, Frank Baker, Carol Pierce, Chuck Harton, Jean and Ron Westfall
Today's guest speaker is TJ Spruill.
Gathering Around the Word
Prelude Choir ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP It is good to praise the Lord and make music to Your name, O Most High, To proclaim Your love in the morning and Your faithfulness at night. Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song. INVOCATION |
AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
December 2024