Gathering Around the Word
Choir Announcements: ADVENT: The Fisher Family CALL TO WORSHIP: Praise be to the one who has built us up in the good news, Praise be to God for the message of Jesus the Christ The mystery of salvation is found in Him Thanks be to God for what is ours through faith Let us worship the only wise God who is glorified forever through Jesus Christ INVOCATION
*HYMN: “O Little Town of Bethlehem” # 121
*PRAYER OF CONFESSION: O eternal and gracious God, all year long we pursue power, money, and influence. Yet You come to us in the weakness of the manger. All season long we covet material gifts. Yet You alone offer us the only everlasting Son, Jesus Christ, God with us. We confess to You our pride, our faithlessness, and our reluctance to accept Your grace. Through the work of the Lord Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, forgive us, heal us, correct us, and transform us. Then enable us to be still, to know Your presence, and to praise You. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Time of silent prayer. Assurance of Pardon Response – Gloria Patri # 581 * Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer of illumination Scripture: Luke 1: 67-79 Diana Donaldson Sermon text: Malachi 4 *HYMN “While We are Waiting, Come” # 92 *Apostles Creed (next to Prayer List) Presentation of tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the people The Lord’s Prayer *HYMN ”Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” # 119 *Benediction *Postlude Blessed Christmas Eve Morning
Christmas Eve Services
5 pm at Taylorstown 7 pm at North Buffalo
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Gathering Around the Word
Prelude: Choir “Great is Thy Faithfulness” Announcements: ADVENT: The Huffman Family CALL TO WORSHIP: Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed. His compassion never fails. They are new every morning! Great is His faithfulness! The Lord is my portion. The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him. Let us worship our good, faithful, and compassionate God. INVOCATION
*HYMN: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” # 88
*PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Father, we never truly understand the depth of our sin. We think our mistakes are momentary slip ups and forget that sin is at the center of who we are. We turn against You all throughout our lives. And yet when things fall apart or we go through the results of Your judgment we often question Your character instead of ours. Forgive us for thinking too lightly of our sin. Forgive us for the ways we turn against You in thought, word, and deed. And teach us to rely on Your love and mercy as the source of our forgiveness. Time of silent prayer. Assurance of Pardon Response – Gloria Patri # 581 * Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer of illumination Scripture: Luke 1: 46-55 Mary Esselstyn Sermon text: Lamentations 3: 1-33 *HYMN “Away in the Manger” # 114 *Apostles Creed (next to Prayer List) Presentation of tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the people The Lord’s Prayer *HYMN ”Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” # 611 *Benediction *Postlude Go! Have a wonderful Sunday
Gathering Around the Word
Prelude: Choir Standing on the Promises Announcements: ADVENT: The Cipoletti Family CALL TO WORSHIP: The voice of the Lord declares, “Comfort, O comfort my people.” A voice cries out, “Prepare the way of the Lord!” The earth will be transformed, God’s glory will be revealed. We expect your arrival in fire and flame. Instead, we follow a star on a cold night. You meet us in this place, as we remember your way. As we wait, cleanse us. As we wait, mold us. Our ears and eyes perceive no other god besides You, and so we worship this day. We are Your people, and we will wait for You. INVOCATION
*HYMN: “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus” # 82
*PRAYER OF CONFESSION: God our Maker, we confess that we are not ready to meet You. We study and are so preoccupied with the trends of our times and ignore the signs of Your reign. We trust in things that pass away and forget Your eternal promise. We allow temporary things to sway our trust in what is eternal. Forgive us, God of grace. Strengthen us, by Your hand, so that we may be ready for that day when You come again to reign in glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Time of silent prayer. Assurance of Pardon Response – Gloria Patri # 581 * Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer of illumination Scripture: Mark 1: 1-8 Kirkland Cipoletti Sermon text: Psalm 89 *HYMN “What Child Is This” # 145 *Apostles Creed (next to Prayer List) Presentation of tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the people The Lord’s Prayer *HYMN ”Angels From the Realms of Glory” # 143 *Benediction *Postlude Go! Have a wonderful Sunday.
BIRTHDAYS: Bonnie Reese, Dan Hathaway, Susie Durila Cummings
SYMPATHIES: For the family of Wilma "Jean" Westfall For the family of Doris Ann Rowe Remember our food collection. And Jesus said, "You give them something to eat." Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. The Children's Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 16 at noon. Cheryl Bell has order forms for Christmas Poinsettias. Order forms must reach Cheryl by Sunday, December 17. Missionary meeting this week is at Eat-n-Park at 11 am on Tuesday. It is our Christmas get together. Also this week is WOW Christmas get together at Cracker Barrel. It is at 11 am on Wednesday. Session meeting is moved to next Monday evening, December 18 at 7 pm. We have a joy to celebrate this week. Jacob Cummings made the High Honor Rollat McGuffey. He is in the 9th grade.
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sandy Stone, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Jimmy Svetz, Ricci Amos, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Fred Wilkinson, Diane Anderson, Helen Provenzano, Donna West, Judy Donaldson, Marlene McFeely, Wendy Willard, Marley Smith, Ellen Morris, Ed Horne, Suzy Smith, Richard Wagner, Carol Pierce, Chuck Harton, Doug Ward, Cheryl Hardway, Ron Westfall, Frank Baker, Holly Liggitt
Gathering Around the Word
Prelude: Announcements: ADVENT: The Durila Family CALL TO WORSHIP: This is the season of holy waiting. We wait for the One who will tear open the heavens and Come down to save us. We watch for the day when God’s name will be made known Among the nations. We wait in the shadows for the Light of the World to Appear. Come let us walk in the light of God!. INVOCATION
*HYMN “Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates” # 93
*PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Lord, in this season of waiting remind us of our need for the one we wait for. Just like our ancestors Adam and Eve, we have disobeyed you every day of our lives. We have thought that we have a better understanding of what is right and wrong and have tried to elevate ourselves to a position that belongs to You alone. Forgive us for the pride that convinces us that our ways are better than Yours. Forgive us for the many ways that we have ignored Your holy commands and chosen to do things our way. We rely completely on the hope of the coming Messiah. Amen Time of silent prayer. Assurance of Pardon Response – Gloria Patri # 581 * Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer of illumination Scripture: Mark 13: 24-37 Debbie Mary Sermon text: Genesis 3 *HYMN “This Is My Father’s World” # 370 *Apostles Creed (next to Prayer List) Presentation of tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the people The Lord’s Prayer INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE “Let Us Break Bread Together” # 525 Communion Alleluia (1 verse) see insert INVOCATION “A Hymn of Joy We Sing” see insert *HYMN ”Rejoice, the Lord Is King!” # 363 *Benediction *Postlude
BIRTHDAYS: Marti Leppart, Janet Schively, Bonnie Reese
ANNIVERSARIES: None this week SYMPATHIES: For the Family of Wilma “Jean” Westfall For the Family of Doris Ann Rowe Remember our food collection. And Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Rev. Kephart said that $419.00 was collected during the Installation and Ordination Service for Pastor Clayton LaPosta last Sunday. Christine Welling reported that this year there were 40 shoeboxes collected to support Operation Christmas Child. Thank you so much for your time and donations. Children’s Christmas Party will be Saturday Dec. 16. Cheryl Bell has order forms for Christmas Poinsettia’s. Order forms must reach Cheryl by Sunday, December 17.
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sandy Stone, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Jimmy Svetz, Ricci Amos, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Fred Wilkinson, Diane Anderson, Helen Provenzano, Donna West, Judy Donaldson, Marlene McFeely, Wendy Willard, Marley Smith, Kirkland Cipoletti, Ellen Morris, Ed Horne, Hunter Beck, Karen Eisiminger, Tim Knabensue, Helen Bury, Suzy Smith, Frank Baker, Glenn “Mikey” Hardin, Richard Wagner, Steven Shuba, Carol Pierce, Chuck Harton, Doug Ward, Cheryl Hardway, Ron Westfall
This week's guest speaker is Rev. Renny Domske.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Prelude Music Director Bob Senay ANNOUNCEMENTS: Advent candle lighters; Debbie Durila and Grandsons CALL TO WORSHIP: While shepherds kept watching O’er silent flocks by night. Behold throughout the heavens There shone a holy light. Go, tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere. Go, tell on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born! The Shepherds feared and trembled When lo! Above the earth, Rang out the angel chorus That hailed our Savior’s birth. Go, tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere. Go, tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born! Down in a lowly manger The humble Christ was born, And God sent us salvation That blessed Christmas morn. Go, tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere. Go, tell it on the mountain That Jesus Christ is born!
* Hymn While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks #118 PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (unison) Our Father in Heaven, as we draw closer to the holy night of Christmas, we are afraid to compare ourselves to Mary, Joseph, And the Christ Child. They are so pure, but we are so selfish. They appear to us sinless, while we are full of sin. Take our sins away, Lord. Wash us clean and pure. We are sorry we have approached life selfishly. We are sorry we have sinned. We want to be Your sons and daughters as You made us to be. Wash our sins away in the Christ Child’s Name. * Time of silent prayer *ASSURANCE OF PARDON L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. P: And also, with you! Response – Gloria Patri (page 581) Passing the Peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Isaiah 25: 1 – 8 Luke 2: 8 – 14 Sermon: “You Wouldn’t Believe What Happened At Work” *Hymn “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” #123 *Apostles Creed (copy next to prayer list) Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory Bob Senay *Doxology (page 606) *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” #119 *Benediction * Postlude
BIRTHDAYS: Jean Westfall, Bryan Bell, Buc Walther, John O’Hara, Cris Miller, Lyndon Herschell, Tom Miller, Jr.
ANNIVERSARIES: Mike & Debbie Durila SYMPATHY: To the Family of Larry Fox (Christine Welling’s Uncle) ANNOUNCEMENTS: Remember our Food Collection. And Jesus said,“You give them something to eat.” Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church on Meyers Road near Washington will hold its traditional hymn sing at 7 p.m. Wednesday, December 21st . There will be scripture readings and stories as well as a time of fellowship and refreshments following the hymn singing. Don’t forget the mitten tree this year. You can also put socks, gloves, hats, or anything for the little ones to help keep them warm. Also don’t forget our Christmas Eve program is Saturday 24th at 7 p.m.
Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Chuck Dicks, Tim Knabenshue, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Elaine Belcascro, Sandy Stone, Matt Petrola, Nancy Hepinger, Ed Horne, Sarah Wilson, Bill Poland, Carl Weber, Jimmy Svetz, Betty Fisher, Haley Diedier, Fred Wilkinson, Evelyn Wood, Brandon Bell, Ricci Amos, Milton Rice, Nancy Diaz, Gianna Perry, Marlene McFeely, Tiffany Cipoletti, Robert Paxton, Bill Berdine, Cheryl Bell, Frank Baker, Diane Anderson, Jim Durila, James O’Hara, Barb and John O’Hara, Larry Litman, Sue Gregg, Doris Ann Rowe, Susan Strope, Tim Taylor, Helen Provenzano, Suzy Smith, Lori Doxtator Walker, Jean and Ron Westfall
We had lots of fun at yesterday's Christmas party!
This week's guest speaker is Rev. Renny Domske.
Third Sunday of Advent
Prelude Music Director Bob Senay ANNOUNCEMENTS Advent candle lighters: Diana Donaldson and Jean Kuhn CALL TO WORSHIP: from Psalm 20 May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the Name of the God of Jacob protect you. May God send you help from His sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. May the Lord give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He answers from His holy heaven with saving power. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the Name of the Lord our God. We will shout for joy when You are victorious. We will lift up our banners in the Name of our God.
* Hymn O Little Town of Bethlehem # 121 PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (unison) Heavenly Father, You have taught us that there is nothing we cannot withstand if we place our faith and trust in Your Son Jesus. Through His example and His strength, we know that the evil one has no power over us except that which we allow. Forgive us for misplacing our faith, forgive us if we have sought answers elsewhere. Reconcile us to Yourself through Jesus our Christ. * Time of silent prayer *ASSURANCE OF PARDON L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. P: And also, with you! Response – Gloria Patri (page 581) Passing the Peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Isaiah 9: 1 – 7 Matthew 1: 15 – 16, 18 - 25 Sermon: “Just An Ordinary Joe” *Hymn “Once in Royal David’s City ” #140 *Apostles Creed (copy next to prayer list) Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory Bob Senay *Doxology (page 606) *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn “Good Christian Friends Rejoice” #132 *Benediction * Postlude
BIRTHDAYS: Dan Hathaway, Nicole King, Sam Jackson, Sue Gregg, Addison Miklic, Susie Durila Cummings, Lynn Kalich, Buc Walther, Brian Bell, Jean Westfall
ANNIVERSARIES: Bill & Carol Stough; Mike & Debbie Durila ANNOUNCEMENTS: Remember our Food Collection. And Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. The congregation will be doing its annual Shopping for Shut-ins soon. If you would like to donate to the ministry, please contact Garnet Welling or any session member. The new offering envelopes for 2023 are now available. Grove UP Church’s Christmas Program is this evening at 6 p.m. Ringing of the bells is part of the program. Our Sunday School family Christmas party is Saturday 17th at noon here at the church. Don’t forget the mitten tree this year. You can also put socks gloves, hats or anything for the little ones to help keep them warm. Remember to pick up your poinsettia order sheets. They are located on the back table. Also don’t forget our Christmas Eve program is Saturday 24th at 7 p.m. Please take a moment to look on the back of the monthly budget sheet for the “Legend of the Candy Cane”.
Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Chuck Dicks, Tim Knabenshue, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Elaine Belcascro, Sandy Stone, Matt Petrola, Nancy Hepinger, Ed Horne, Sarah Wilson, Bill Poland, Carl Weber, Jimmy Svetz, Betty Fisher, Haley Diedier, Fred Wilkinson, Evelyn Wood, Brandon Bell, Ricci Amos, Milton Rice, Nancy Diaz, Gianna Perry, Marlene McFeely, Tiffany Cipoletti, Cris Miller, Diane Bednarski, Robert Paxton, Jim McCoy, Bill Berdine, Cheryl Bell, Frank Baker, Diane Anderson, Jim Durila, James O’Hara, Barb and John O’Hara, Debbie Durila, Larry Litman, Joyce Nichols, Sue Gregg, Doris Ann Rowe, Susan Strope, Tim Taylor, Richard Wagner, Helen Provenzano, Suzy Smith, Lori Doxtator Walker
Today's guest speaker is Rev. Renny Domske.
Second Sunday of Advent
Prelude Music Director Bob Senay ANNOUNCEMENTS: Advent candle lighters; Bob Fisher Family CALL TO WORSHIP: from Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory of God. The skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day the heavens pour forth speech; night after night the skies display knowledge. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. Forgive my hidden faults and errors, My Redeemer, Keep Your servant also from willful sins. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord my Rock.
* Hymn “Angels From the Realms of Glory” #143 *PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (UNISON)\ O Lord, You are my rock and my Redeemer. Why do You put up with my continual sinning? Why can I not learn to be unselfish? Why did You send Your Son as a Babe to die for me? Father of All, forgive me my sins. Help me to learn to love You more. Help me to learn to love myself less. The beauty of this time of year humbles us. Thank You for sending Your Son to us in a manger. * Time of silent prayer *ASSURANCE OF PARDON L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. P: And also, with you! Response – Gloria Patri (page 581) Passing the Peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Isaiah 7: 9-14 Luke 1: 26-38
Sermon: “Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary”
*Hymn “Lo! How a Rose E’er Blooming” # 129 *Apostles Creed (copy next to prayer list) Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory Bob Senay *Doxology (page 606) *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer *HYMN “Angels We Have Heard on High” #113 *Benediction * Postlude
BIRTHDAYS: Marty Lippert, Janet Shively, Bonnie Reese, Dan Hathaway
SYMPATHY The Family of Alvin Danley, Jr. (Debbie Rugg’s brother) The Family of Joann Bittlebrun Sayre (companion of Fred Wilkinson, owner of Dependable Electric) ANNOUNCEMENTS: Remember our Food Collection. And Jesus said,“You give them something to eat.” Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. The congregation will be doing its annual Shopping for Shut-ins soon. If you would like to donate to the ministry, please contact our treasurer, Garnet Welling, or any member of the session. Bethany College Will be having a Music program December 6 at 7 o’clock in Commencement Hall. The address is 31 S Loop Campus Drive, Bethany, WV 26032. For further information contact Christine Welling. Bob and Kathy Ross invited our church to their Christmas program at Lower Ten Mile Presbyterian Church on December 10 at 6:30 pm. Their theme is “Christmas Night of Worship.” The address is 580 Amity Ridge Road, Amity, Pa. 15311. The new offering envelopes for 2023 are now available.
Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Chuck Dicks, Tim Knabenshue, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Elaine Belcascro, Sandy Stone, Matt Petrola, Nancy Hepinger, Ed Horne, Sarah Wilson, Bill Poland, Carl Weber, Jimmy Svetz, Betty Fisher, Haley Diedier, Fred Wilkinson, Evelyn Wood, Brandon Bell, Ricci Amos, Milton Rice, Larry Fox, Nancy Diaz, Gianna Perry, Marlene McFeely, Susie Smith, Tiffany Cipoletti, Cris Miller, Diane Bednarski, Robert Paxton, John and Donna West, Jim McCoy, Bill Berdine, Cheryl Bell, Frank Baker, Diane Anderson, Colleen Kuhn, Jim Durila, James O’Hara, Barb and John O’Hara, Debbie Durila, Larry Litman, Joyce Nichols, Dana Wilson, Sue Gregg, Doris Ann Rowe, Susan Strope, Tim Taylor, Richard Wagner, Helen Provenzano, Suzy Smith, Lori Doxtator Walker
This week's guest speaker is Rev. Renny Domske.
First Sunday of Advent
Prelude Music Director Bob Senay ANNOUNCEMENTS: Advent candle lighters: Garnet & Christine Welling CALL TO WORSHIP: from Psalm 18 The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer. My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. The Lord is my shield and the horn of my salvation. I call to the Lord who is worthy of praise. In my distress I called to the Lord, I cried to my God for help. From His temple He heard my voice; my cry came into His ears. Smoke rose from His nostrils; consuming fire came from His Mouth, burning coals blazed out of it. He reached down from on high and took hold of me. He drew me out of the deep waters—He rescued me. The Lord rescued me because He delighted in me. The Lord dealt with me according to my righteousness.
* Hymn “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus” # 82 *PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (UNISON) O Lord God, Maker of all including me, I give You praise. It seems foolish that we ignore You, desert You, sin against You. It seems ludicrous that we love ourselves more than we love You. Yet we do. We sin. We look for our own self-interests first, long before we look out for our neighbors or especially You. Save us from ourselves, O God. Forgive us for our short-sighted attitudes of sin. We are sorry we have failed You. Put us back into Your arms, where we belong. * Time of silent prayer *ASSURANCE OF PARDON *Response – Gloria Patri (Page 581) *Passing the peace L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. P: And also, with you. Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: I John 4: 13-21 John 3: 12-21 1 John 4:13-21
Sermon: “Guess Who’s Coming To Town”
*Hymn “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” #88 *Apostles Creed (copy next to prayer list) Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory Bob Senay *Doxology (page 606) *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE Communion / Response “Alleluia” *HYMN “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent” #347 *Benediction * Postlude
BIRTHDAYS: Jim Gregg, Connor Diesel, Susan Paul, Marilyn Hickman, Kathy Bell, Andrew Lozano
SYMPATHY The Family of Alvin Danley, Jr. ( Debbie Rugg’s brother) The Family of Betsy Martin (Cousin of Lisa Hamilton) The Family of Andrew “Tim” Marlburger (Debbie Durila’s Grandson) ANNOUNCEMENTS: Remember our Food Collection. And Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” Please let Betty Fisher know if you are aware of any within the community that may be in need at this time. The congregation will be doing its annual Shopping for Shut-ins soon. If you would like to donate to the ministry, Please contact our treasurer, Garnet Welling, or any member of the session.
Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Chuck Dicks, Tim Knabenshue, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Elaine Belcascro, Sandy Stone, Matt Petrola, Nancy Hepinger, Ed Horne, Sarah Wilson, Bill Poland, Carl Weber, Jimmy Svetz, Betty Fisher, Haley Diedier, Fred Wilkinson, Evelyn Wood, Brandon Bell, Ricci Amos, Milton Rice, Larry Fox, Nancy Diaz, Gianna Perry, Marlene McFeely, Susie Smith, Tiffany Cipoletti, Cris Miller, Diane Bednarski, Robert Paxton, John & Donna West, Jim McCoy, Bill Berdine, Cheryl Bell, Frank Baker, Diane Anderson, Colleen Kuhn, Jim Durila, James O’Hara, Barb and John O’Hara, Debbie Durila, Larry Litman, Joyce Nichols, Dana Wilson Today’s guest speaker is Rev. Dave Mason. All of the information normally found in our bulletin is below the video. Simply click on "Read More" to load the rest of the bulletin. You can use this to follow the service, as well as to pray our unison prayers. All joys and concerns that we know, as well as our continuing prayer list is within the Joys and Concerns. Announcements can be found at the bottom of this service. Gathering Around the Word
Prelude Introit **Mary Had A Baby** Choir ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: A voice in the dark, an image in a dream, a bright light in a clear sky -- People: Wonders and signs that turn our hearts toward God, Leader: Holy mysteries that cause our hearts to sing, People: Soul-felt grace that radiates through our lives. Leader: Young and old alike feel the awesome presence of God and join with Mary in proclaiming the greatness of God. People: Our hearts rejoice and our souls magnify the One who visits us again and again. Today’s guest speaker is Rev. Dr. Stephen Smith, from First Presbyterian Church in Washington. All of the information normally found in our bulletin is below the video. Simply click on "Read More" to load the rest of the bulletin. You can use this to follow the service, as well as to pray our unison prayers. All joys and concerns that we know, as well as our continuing prayer list is within the Joys and Concerns. Announcements can be found at the bottom of this service. Gathering Around the Word
Prelude Choir ANNOUNCEMENTS LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLE CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: Clear away the unnecessary. PEOPLE: Put aside the unimportant. Leader: Lay down the unrealistic. PEOPLE: Keep your ears open for angel songs. Leader: Cut the lists in half. PEOPLE: Practice saying, “no thanks.” Leader: Look for the moments of stillness. PEOPLE: Keep your eyes looking for a star, your hands ready to give, your voice filled with song and your heart longing for joy. |
AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
August 2024