Happy Mother's Day!
Today’s guest speaker is Rev. Dave Mason. All of the information normally found in our bulletin is below the video. Simply click on "Read More" to load the rest of the bulletin. You can use this to follow the service, as well as to pray our unison prayers. Birthdays, anniversaries, the prayer list and announcements can be found at the bottom of this service.
Gathering Around the Word
Prelude Music Director Robert Senay ANNOUNCEMENTS CHORAL INTROIT “All hail the power of Jesus name” CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: We gather together to worship our loving, nurturing God. People: Who, like a mother, knows us intimately, loves us unconditionally, teaches us the way we should go, and comforts us in times of need. Leader: Praise God, the Source and Sustainer of life! Amen.
HYMN “Savior, Like a Shepard Lead Us” 601 CALL TO CONFESSION Let us confess our sins before a loving God: PRAYER OF CONFESSION (UNISON) How often we choose to lead our own lives with no regard for Your presence in our lives. Like a mother, You are always there, patiently waiting for us to notice. You created our inmost being and desire to lead us and guide us, and yet, we want to try our own way first. Forgive our self-absorption. Forgive our lack of trust. We know and believe that Your ways are greater and so we give ourselves to You. We choose to watch for Your working, to notice Your presence, to listen to Your Spirit’s voice. As our mother’s never do, thank You for never giving up on us. We love You. Amen. *Time of silent prayer ASSURANCE OF PARDON: *Passing the Peace L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. P: And also, with you. *Response – Gloria Patri CHILDREN’S CHAT CHOIR ANTHEM Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading John 10: 22-30 Further Conflict Over Jesus’ Claims
L: The Word of the Lord
P: Thanks be to God! SERMON: “SHEEP SNATCHING” HYMN “Happy the Home When God is There” 540 “Things My Mother Taught Me!” Rev. Mason *Apostles Creed (found inside the back cover of the hymnal) Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory Bob Senay Doxology (Hymnal page 382) Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayer of the people Rev. Mason The Lord’s Prayer HYMN “Blessed Jesus” 39 Benediction CHOIR POSTLUDE “He keeps me singing” 587
BIRTHDAYS Tom Miller, Amelia Phillips, Sidney Phillips, Nellie Baker, Cassandra Clifford, Caleb Cummings, Dave Lozano, Brynn Hathaway, Diana Donaldson
ANNIVERSARIES Bryan & Dawn Miles Tom & Nancy Molinaro JOYS AND CONCERNS Prayers for our soldiers that have been deployed to help overseas and pray for the Ukraine people. Prayers for Bob Moore who is recuperating from knee surgery. Prayers for the Nominating Committee as they search for the appropriate person to serve our church. SYMPATHY Continued Prayers for Susan Shrively, Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Chuck Dicks, June and Keith McGill, Tim Knabenshue, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Mary Ann Durila, Elaine Belcascro, Sandy Stone, Diane Bednarski, Matt Petrola, Laura Davis, Nancy Hepinger, Betsy Martin, Ed Horne, Sarah Wilson, Robin Dirila, Bill Poland, Amy Ward, the Warlow Family, Pat Haggerty, Jean Westfall, Don Cunningham, Carl, Jimmy, Vicky Byers, Betty Fisher, Billie Wilson, Haley Diedier and Casey Jenkins, Fred Wilkinson, Wendy Liggett and James O’Hara. ANNOUNCEMENTS Remember our Food Collection. And Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” Mark 6: 37. Please let Betty Fisher know if you are aware of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Washington Presbytery Mission Outreach Committee would like congregations/individuals to participate in the creation of “Deployment Bags” for soldiers being deployed overseas. Information on this program and what to put in the bags is on the table in the back if you would like to participate. Time of sharing fellowship, a Daughter’s Tea will be held at 2:00 PM Saturday, May 21st downstairs in the social hall. Tickets are available today for $5.00, please see Mary Hathaway or Lois Miller. In order to keep price of the tickets low, they would like a few volunteers to bake cookies. Please let them know if you would like to contribute cookies or help in any way as it would be appreciated very much.
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December 2024