Today's guest speaker is Rev. Renny Domske.
Gathering Around the Word
Prelude: Choir ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: from Psalm 42 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. Where can I go? When can I go and meet with God? I used to lead the procession of the multitude to the house of God, with shouts of joy and thanksgiving among the festive throng. Put your hope in God and do not be disturbed. I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; All your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord directs His Love, at night His song is with me—He is the God of my life. INVOCATION
HYMN “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” # 275
Intro then 4 verses * PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (unison) As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants after You, O God. I need You every hour, Most Precious Lord. And yet I put myself before You. I share my needs with You, but I do not share my joys. I call to You for help and strength; yet I savor the successes to myself. Help me to acknowledge You at all times, O my God. Help me to not only call to You in my failures. I am sorry. I am a failed and fragile person. You know that right well. Thank You, O Blessed One, for always forgiving me. * Time of silent prayer *Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri *Passing the Peace L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. P: And also, with you. CHILDREN’S CHAT Prayer for Illumination Scripture Romans 5: 1 – 8 Debbie Mary II Kings 5: 1 - 14 SERMON “A Soapy Soap Opera in the Bible” *HYMN “Amazing Grace” # 649 Intro then 5 verses *Apostles Creed Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer INVITATION TO THE LORD’S TABLE Let Us Break Bread Together # 525 COMMUNION *HYMN “ As the Deer” # 626 Acapella/ sing twice Benediction Postlude: Choir
BIRTHDAYS Mary Jane Patterson, Roma Gross, Nancy Molinaro
ANNIVERSARIES Dan & Mary Hathaway SYMPATHIES To the Family of Carol Pierce Kathy Moore’s Mother Remember our food collection. And Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. We need special prayers for our 2 fellows! Frank Baker had a mini stroke after luncheon on Sunday. He is now home but still needing prayers. Also needing prayers is Bob Moore. He was diagnosed with pneumonia. He is home in medication. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Linda Miller was admitted to hospital with A-Fib on Thursday. Having an echo on Friday. That wasn’t bad enough, she tested positive for COVID. Prayers for sure.
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sandy Stone, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Jimmy Svetz, Ricci Amos, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Fred Wilkinson, Diane Anderson, Suzy Smith, Helen Provenzano, Donna West, Judy Donaldson, Marlene McFeely, Chuck Harton, Jean Westfall, Sue Gregg, Wendy Willard, Marley Smith, Kirkland Cipoletti Ellen Morris, Dave Henderson, Ed Horne, Doris Ann Rowe, Sue Knox, Frank Baker, Bob Moore, Nelson and Marlene Huffman, and Linda Miller
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AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
January 2025