Today's guest speaker is Rev. Renny Domske.
Gathering Around the Word
Prelude Music Director Robert Senay ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: from Psalm 17 Hear, O Lord, my righteous plea; listen to my cry. Give ear to my prayer----may Your eyes see what is right. Though You probe my heart and examine me at night, You will find nothing: I have resolved that my mouth will not sin. As for the deeds if men and women----by the word of Your lips My steps have held to Your paths; my feet have not slipped. I call on You, O God, for You will answer me; give ear to me and hear my prayer. Show me the wonder of Your great love, You who will save me by Your right hand. Keep me as the apple of Your eye. O Lord, hide me in the shadow of Your wings.
* Hymn Now Thank We All Our God 643 *PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (UNISON) O Father, the fields are ripe unto the harvest, but we are not Reaping as we ought. We have allowed the fields to sot fallow. We are slow to request others to come see the One who has done everything for us. Forgive us for not getting into the fields and sitting idly by while the weeds choke the life out of others. May we look to share our bountiful Life we receive from You, Help us to bring glory to You. *ASSURANCE OF PARDON *Time of silent prayer *Response – Gloria Patri (Page 581) *Passing the peace L: The peace pf the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. P: And also, with you. Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Nehemiah 9: 13 - 21 Matthew 17: 1 - 9 13 “You came down on Mount Sinai; you spoke to them from heaven. You gave them regulations and laws that are just and right, and decrees and commands that are good. 14 You made known to them your holy Sabbath and gave them commands, decrees and laws through your servant Moses. 15 In their hunger you gave them bread from heaven and in their thirst you brought them water from the rock; you told them to go in and take possession of the land you had sworn with uplifted hand to give them.
Sermon: “If You Build It He Will Come”
*Hymn “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” 687 *Apostles Creed (copy next to prayer list) Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory Bob Senay *Doxology (page 606) *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People THE Lord’s Prayer *HYMN “Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken” 81 *Benediction * Postlude *Please stand if able
BIRTHDAYS: Kaitlin Reese, Debbie Durila
SYMPATHY The Family of Betsy Martin (Cousin of Lisa Hamilton) The Family of Andrew “Tim” Marlburger (Debbie Durila’s Grandson) ANNOUNCEMENTS: Remember our Food Collection. And Jesus said, “Yougive them something to eat.” Mark 6: 37. Please let Betty Fisher know if you are aware of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. North Buffalo Church will hold a joint Thanksgiving Eve Worship service on Wednesday, November 23, at 7 PM. Rev. Mason will lead the service for our church and Upper Buffalo Church. Our church will also hold a Hanging of the Greens gathering from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, November 26th. Everyone is invited to come and decorate the sanctuary as the Advent season begins. The congregation will be doing its annual Shopping for Shut-ins soon. If you would like to donate to the ministry. Please contact our treasurer, Garnet Welling, or any member of the session. The West Middletown Christian Church members will be joining us for the Thanksgiving Eve service. It’s nice that our area churches can come together to worship.
Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Chuck Dicks, Tim Knabenshue, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Elaine Belcascro, Sandy Stone, Matt Petrola, Nancy Hepinger, Ed Horne, Sarah Wilson, Bill Poland, Carl Weber, Jimmy Svetz, Betty Fisher, Haley Diedier, Fred Wilkinson, Ron and Jean Westfall, Evelyn Wood, Brandon Bell, Ricci Amos, Milton Rice, Larry Fox, Nancy Diaz, Gianna Perry, Marlene McFeely, Susie Smith, Tiffany Cipoletti, Cris Miller, Diane Bednarski, Robert Paxton, John & Donna West, Jim McCoy, Bill Berdine, Cheryl Bell, Frank Baker, Diane Anderson, Colleen Kuhn, Jim Durila, James O’Hara, Barb and John O’Hara, Debbie Durila, Larry Litman, Joyce Nichols, Dana Wilson
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AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
December 2024