Today’s guest speaker is Pat Cook.
All of the information normally found in our bulletin is below the video. Simply click on "Read More" to load the rest of the bulletin. You can use this to follow the service, as well as to pray our unison prayers. Birthdays, anniversaries, the prayer list, announcements and a session update can be found at the bottom of this service.
Prelude Music Director Robert Senay
Announcements Choir Introit “Jesus Shall Reign” Call to Worship L: Jesus reminded the disciples P: Love one another as I have loved you L: Jesus taught and witnessed to God’s love P: Love one another as I have loved you. L: Jesus encourages us to love each other with tenderness, compassion, and hope. P: Let us love one another as Christ loved us. Amen Prayer of Invocation: Pat Cook Gracious and loving God, we are grateful that You have called us together this day, drawing us from darkness to the glory of Your light. May our spirits rejoice at the good news You have for us today. Open our hearts to Your healing love, for we ask this in Christ’s Name. AMEN
Hymn: “Love Devine, All Love Excelling” 21
PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Patient “God, sometimes we are just too busy for our own good. We pledge ourselves to hectic schedules, demands on time, energy and resources that erode all too quickly. We seem to be rushing through life. The cries of those in need often go unheeded in our blur of activities which sap our energy, our resources, our spirits. Slow us down a bit, Lord. Remind us again that we are responsible for the care of this world, for reaching out and offering Your healing love. Help us to hear the words of patient love that you have for us. Remind us again of Jesus’ words to his disciples when He told them that they should love one another as He loved them. May we take time to bear witness to that love in all that we do. For we ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN Words of Assurance. Wherever you are, Christ is with you. You are beloved of God and God’s care will always surround you. Be patient and rejoice! *Passing the Peace L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. P: And also, with you Response – Gloria Patri Children’s Chat Choir Anthem Scripture reading: John 13: 31-35 Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial
L: The Word of the Lord
P: Thanks be to God Sermon “God Glorified” Hymn : “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” 560 *Apostles Creed (found inside the back cover of the hymnal) Presentation of our tithes and offering Choir Anthem Organ Solo Robert Senay Offertory Doxology (Hymnal page 382) Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People Pat Cook The Lord’s Prayer Hymn: “They’ll know We Are Christians” 667 Benediction Choir Postlude “ Let there be peace” (all can sing) 681
Remember our Food Collection. And Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” Mark 6: 37. Please let Betty Fisher know if you are aware of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. This is the last Sunday for the “Deployment Bags” for soldiers being deployed overseas. A time of sharing, a Daughter’s Tea will be held at 2:00 PM Saturday, May 21st downstairs in the social hall. Tickets are available for $5.00. Please see Mary Hathaway or Lois Miller. Session voted to move the special congregational meeting from May 29th to June 19th, because the original date was on Memorial Day weekend. As many members as possible should attend the meeting, which is to discuss North Buffalo’s governing system and keep us compliant with state laws. BIRTHDAYS Kevin Moore, Julie Durbin, Cindy Ward ANNIVERSARIES Bob & Honey Moore JOYS AND CONCERNS Ina and Dave Henderson were added to our prayer chain this past week as they both have COVID. Prayers for our soldiers that have been deployed to help overseas and pray for the Ukraine people. Prayers for the Pulpit Nominating Committee (PNC) as they search for the appropriate person to serve our church. SYMPATHY To the Family of Dave Richmond To the Family of John Rugg Continued Prayers for Susan Shrively, Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Chuck Dicks, June and Keith McGill, Tim Knabenshue, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Mary Ann Durila, Elaine Belcascro, Sandy Stone, Diane Bednarski, Matt Petrola, Laura Davis, Nancy Hepinger, Betsy Martin, Ed Horne, Sarah Wilson, Robin Dirila, Bill Poland, Amy Ward, the Warlow Family, Pat Haggerty, Jean Westfall, Don Cunningham, Carl, Jimmy, Vicky Byer, Betty Fisher, Haley Diedier, Casey Jenkins, Fred Wilkinson, Wendy Liggett, James O’Hara, Billie Wilson, Bob Moore, and Don Kuhn
At its May meeting, session voted to approve a contract with Pittsburgh-Stained Glass for restoration and protection of the Stained -glass windows on the east and west walls of the Sanctuary. Because of the age of the windows and their exposure to the sun, they had fallen into disrepair and were allowing in wind and rain. When completed, the windows will have sturdy aluminum frames and be protected by a pane of Thick glass. The cost for the three west-facing windows will be about $23,000, and although we do not yet have a figure for the east-facing windows, the trustees believe it may be less because they are less severely damaged. The work will be paid for through a combination of donations from Dana and Billie Wilson and the McAllister Fund. Session also voted to move the special congregational meeting from May 29th to June 19th. Because the original date was on Memorial Day weekend, it would have been difficult for some members to attend. As many members as possible should attend the meeting, which is to discuss North Buffalo’s governing system and to keep us compliant with state laws. In addition to the congregational meeting, June 19th is an exciting day for two more reasons. It will be the first Sunday that we officially begin sharing worship leaders with Upper Buffalo Church. UBC will hold a 45-minute service at 10 a.m. and we will continue to worship at 11. Rev. Mason will lead worship at both churches that Sunday. The hospitality committee will coordinate a congregational covered dish dinner after our service. And finally, during the June 19th service we will dedicate our new “Glory to God” hymnals, which the church purchased last month with McAllister memorial funds. Congregants may also purchase hymnals for the church and memorialize loved ones by contributing $18 per hymnal. Memorial forms will available in the sanctuary for the next few weeks. They may be placed in the offering plates along with a check to North Buffalo Presbyterian Church and earmarked for “hymnal memorial” or they may be mailed to the North Buffalo Church Worship Committee in care of Don Herschell, PO Box 397, Washington, PA 15301. The deadline for returning order forms is June 5th. The following form must be received on or before June 5, 2022, along with a check for $18 per hymnal made to North Buffalo Presbyterian Church and earmarked for “hymnal memorial.” They may be placed in the offering plate or mailed to North Buffalo Church Worship Committee, in care of Don Herschell, PO Box 397, Washington, PA 15301. The hymnals will be dedicated on June 19th. This hymnal is given in memory of-------------------------------- by ------------------------------------------------------- NORTH BUFFALO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
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AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
January 2025