Today’s guest speaker is Don Herschell.
All of the information normally found in our bulletin is below the video. Simply click on "Read More" to load the rest of the bulletin. You can use this to follow the service, as well as to pray our unison prayers. All joys and concerns that we know, as well as our continuing prayer list is within the Joys and Concerns. Announcements can be found at the bottom of this service.
Mission Study Day is May 22
Everyone in the North Buffalo Church family is invited to our Mission Study Day. As we begin our search for a new pastor, this will be an exciting and informative way to look at who we are as a congregation, what we are looking for in a minister, and what we hope for the future of our church and its ministry. The event will be held in the fellowship hall on Saturday, May 22, starting at 10 a.m. It will include a catered luncheon by Crystal’s Catering and will end by early afternoon. As a precaution, the church will supply bottled water, but those who want other drinks should bring them along. Representatives from Washington Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry will be on hand to lead the meeting and guide the discussion. We will also be sharing the results of the congregational survey. To get an idea of how many will be attending the meeting and luncheon, we are asking participants to fill out this form and submit it to the church by Sunday, May 16. We will hold a congregational meeting following the service that day. Set aside the date so that you can be part of this important event. See you there!
Prelude “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” #608
ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP: Leader: Jesus the Good Shepherd calls our names to come and follow him. PEOPLE: His voice, speaking our names, draws us to him. Leader: We follow without fear, for the shepherd cares for us. PEOPLE: Our hearts rejoice and we can place our trust in the Good Shepherd. Leader: Come, let us enter the gate with thanksgiving! PEOPLE: Let us go forth confidently with songs of praise! Amen
HYMN: “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” #601
PRAYER OF CONFESSION: (Unison) Gentle Shepherd, You guide us in right paths, You lead us in the ways of righteousness, but we have allowed our anger, our rage, our greed, and at times even hate, to direct our paths. We have overreacted, we have taken more than our share, we have despised others that seem to have it all. Forgive us, God, for not following Your ways. Forgive us for not remembering that we are Your sheep, and You are our Shepherd. Forgive us when we have not listened for Your voice and instead have acted in the ways of the world. Guide us back to Your path, to loving You and loving our neighbors. Help us to unclench our fists and extend our hands in hope and healing, forgiveness and love. In the name of Christ our Shepherd we pray. Amen. Time of silent prayer Assurance of Pardon Children’s Moment Prayer of Illumination Scripture Reading: Old Testament: Psalm 23 New Testament: John 10:11-18 Psalm 23
HYMN: “God Will Take Care of You” #56 *Apostles’ Creed Presentation of our tithes and offerings (Offering plates located at door) Offertory Prayer of Dedication Concerns and Celebrations
Birthdays: Levi Miller, Shirley Taggart, Lucy Kime, Dave Diesel, Debbie Jochynek, Doreen Diesel
Anniversaries: Rick & Marlene McFeely, and Christopher & Kathy Marton JOYS AND CONCERNS Added to our prayer list last Sunday were Michael Durila, Jr., Frank Phillips, Justin Hagon, Marge Shape and Ed Caffrey. Also added this week was Michael Durila, Sr. Nelson Huffman was admitted to the hospital for various tests on Thursday. Ed Horne is in Shadyside Hospital with near heart failure. Continued prayers for Roma Grose, Susan Schively, Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Lisa Phillips, Dixie Avoila, Chuck Dicks, Randy Moore, Karen Eisiminger, Kelley Gump, Mary Ann McFeeley, Ed Horne, June and Keith McGill, Chuck Montecello, Glenn Miles, Roger Riggs, Doug Ward, Rick McFeeley, Deron Wood, Dana Wilson, Marge McWreath, Tim Knabenshue, Bill Stewart, Adam Moore, Cris Miller, Frank Huffman and Nellie Baker.
Prayers of the People
The Lord’s Prayer HYMN: “He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought” #606 Postlude and Benediction
COVID GUIDELINES for Church Services: Face masks, hand sanitizer, social distance & seating 6 feet apart, no congregational singing, please participate in responsive readings at your seat if comfortable.
We welcome all who have come to join us in the worship of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please come again. If you are visiting with us today, please let us know that we might welcome you into our church family. Announcements: Please plan to come and help out at the Church Work Day On Saturday, May 1st at 9:00 AM. There’s a job – big and small - for everyone!! REMEMBER OUR FOOD COLLECTION: And Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” Mark 6:37. Please remember our food pantry is available to anyone in need. Replenish with your hands and listen for the need with your ears. Contact Becky Phillips with any need in the community or to donate.
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AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
January 2025