Today’s guest speaker is Rev. Don Herschell.
All of the information normally found in our bulletin is below the video. Simply click on "Read More" to load the rest of the bulletin. You can use this to follow the service, as well as to pray our unison prayers. All joys and concerns that we know, as well as our continuing prayer list is within the Joys and Concerns. Announcements can be found at the bottom of this service.
Hymn: Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Call to Worship On that first day, when time began You gave birth to creation; light danced through the darkness; the waters of hope flowed free and clear. On that first day at the Jordan, when redemption began You spoke of life for all your children, as Your Child stepped into the waters of forgiveness, dancing in hope with his cousin, John. On this first day of the week, when we begin anew You call us to faithfulness, as we open our hearts to You, Your voice claiming us as Your own.
Prayer of Confession
We come as your baptized believers, O God, confessing our sins. You send forth Your Spirit, yet we do not respond to Your presence. You set us apart as water is poured over us, yet our behavior in faith does not match our unique status. Christ calls us to follow; yet we disobey His commandment. Evidence of Your goodness surrounds us, yet we ignore Your gracious ways. Have mercy upon us, and in Your love uphold us. Above all, teach us the meaning of repentance. Amen. Time of Personal Reflection Assurance of Pardon In Christ there is no east or west, In him no south or north, But one great fellowship of love throughout the whole wide earth. In Jesus Christ, there is new life. In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Hymn: Come, Holy Spirit Apostle's Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost and born of the virgin Mary. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. On the third day he arose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father almighty. From thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Children's Sermon Prayer of Illumination Scripture Lesson Old Testament lesson: Genesis 1:1-5 Gospel lesson: Mark 1:1-11 Genesis 1:1-5
Sermon: A New Beginning
Hymn: All Creatures of Our God and King Prayer of Thanksgiving Lift up your hearts We lift them up to the Lord Let us give thanks to the Lord our God It is right to give God thanks and praise Church Joys and Concerns If you have a joy or concern to share that is not listed below, and you feel comfortable doing so, you may share it in the comments. Birthdays Jan 14 Christine Welling, Mary Ann. Durila, Barb O’Hara, Lawson Phillips Anniversaries Jan 14 Kevin and Cathy Moore Session and Trustees will meet tomorrow evening at 7:00 PM. Annual Congregational Meeting will be immediately after the Worship Service on January 31, 2021. This week we added prayers for Gavin and Tracy Baker (Frank Baker’s Son) in England as they both have COVID - 19. David Riggs had surgery on Thursday to remove a tumor from his brain. Prayers have gone out for them all. Continued prayers for Roma Grose, Ruth Hampe, Susan Schively, Jimmy Davis, Judy Donaldson, Margo Johnson, Melissa Pedigo, Aaron Blake, Lisa Phillips, Mickey Gubitti, Chip Rogers, Dixie Avoila, Dennis McWreath, Chuck Warlow, Chuck Dicks, Randy Moore, Margaret Knabenshue, Janet Schively, Mary Ann Durila, Patty Nagey, Dr. Craig Fox, Karen Eisiminger, Kelley Gump, Mary Ann McFeeley, Ed Horne, Donna West, June and Keith McGill, Dianna Donaldson, Chuck Montecello, April Hincy, Glenn Miles, Dave Cummings, Ken Jackson, Doug Ward, Mark Knabenshue, Rick McFeeley, Deron Wood, Susan Alberti, Bryan Dunn, Dana Wilson, Marge McWreath, Marlene Huffman, Debbie Kelley, and Tim Knabenshue. Pastoral Prayer and the Lord's Prayer Hymn: This is My Father's World Charge and Benediction
We're so glad that you decided to join us today! If you need anything during this time, please contact a session member, or send an email to the church. If you have prayer requests or announcements, please contact Linda Miller. If you need food from our food pantry, please contact Becky Phillips.
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AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
November 2024