Today's guest speaker is Don Herschell.
Gathering Around the Word
Prelude Choir Introit ANNOUNCEMENTS CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 121 L: I lift up my eyes to the hills — from where will my help come? P: My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. L: God will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. P: He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. L: The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. P: The sun shall not strike us by day, nor the moon by night. L: The Lord will keep you from all evil; God will keep your life. P: The Lord will keep our going out and our coming in from this time on and forevermore. All: Let us worship God. INVOCATION Don Herschell
HYMN “Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above” #645
PRAYER OF CONFESSION (UNISON) You call us to become pilgrims, to follow you in a journey of faith. We would find it easier to follow when not so much is at stake. But you promise that you will be with us and that our needs will be met. You lead us into unfamiliar places, asking that we trust in your will. Yet we cling to our possessions, trusting in them for security instead. O God, your way is challenging when we choose to be complacent. You make great demands; we are anxious and uncertain. Have mercy upon us and forgive our hesitant steps toward the promise. We ask this in the name of Christ, our Savior. * Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri (Hymnal page 581) *Passing the Peace L: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. P: And also, with you. CHILDREN’S CHAT The Word of God Prayer for illumination Scripture readings: Genesis 12:1-4a John 3:1-17 Debbie Mary L: The Word of the Lord P: Thanks be to God! Sermon: “A MATTER OF TRUST” Responding to the Word HYMN “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” #829 * Apostles Creed (copy next to prayer list) Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology (Hymnal page 606) *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the People The Lord’s Prayer HYMN “Called as Partners in Christ’s Service” #761 *Choir *Benediction Postlude Bob Senay *Please stand if able
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January 2025