Gathering Around the Word
Prelude: Announcements: CALL TO WORSHIP: God teaches us what is right, what is true. We have heard the truth and we believe the truth, that the only way to know the Father is through the Son by the Spirit’s teaching. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. We will abide in the truth just as God abides with us. Praise God for such a gift freely given to us. Praise Him for the promise of eternal life. Worship Him today for He alone is worthy to receive the worship of every heart. INVOCATION
*HYMN: “When Morning Gilds the Skies” # 667
*PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Father, You have taught us what is truth, that if we are to know God then we must abide in Your Son, the Lord Jesus. We know what He has done, how He died in our place, and we know that we receive all the benefits of Jesus’ work through faith. And yet, even after hearing this wonderful news, we elevate the things of this world to receive our worship and adoration when only You are deserving. Our hearts and minds go astray. We choose pride over submitting to Your will. Forgive us for abiding in the world instead of abiding in You. Have mercy and be gracious to us. Remind us today that our only hope of fellowship with God isn’t through our works or any of the things promoted by the world but by trusting in the Lord Jesus. In the name of Your Son we pray, AMEN *Time of Silent Prayer: *Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri # 581 *Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer of illumination Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 13: 1–11 Sermon text: 1 John 2:18 27 : *HYMN “Sing Praises to God Who Reigns Above” # 645 *Apostles Creed (next to Prayer List) Presentation of tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology *Prayer of dedication Concerns and Celebrations Prayers of the people The Lord’s Prayer *HYMN “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” # 353 Benediction *Postlude
BIRTHDAYS: Cheryl Bell, Debbie Mary, Allana McCoy
ANNIVERSARIES: None this week SYMPATHIES: To the Family of Helen Bury Mom of Debbie Mary’s friend Remember our food collection. And Jesus said, “You give them something to eat.” Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Prayers are needed for Johnny Yurko. He has Down’s Syndrome and has been in hospital for a month, Found cancer on his liver. He goes to special class at Canon-Mac. Asking for prayer for Vince Knotts. Neighbor of Janet Rhodes that had a stroke on way to Pittsburgh. Thinking it is a bad one. Mike Durila needs are prayers also. They found Mike has a leaking valve and are hoping to correct it with medication.
Continuing Prayer List
Chuck Dicks, Frank Huffman, Tom Westfall, Sandy Stone, Sarah Wilson, Carl Weber, Ricci Amos, Fred Wilkinson, Haley Diedier Bedillion, Judy Donaldson, Donna West, Helen Provenzano, Doug Ward Marlene McFeely, Marley Smith, Suzy Smith, Carol Pierce, Chuck Harton, Frank Baker, Holly Liggitt (6 yrs. old) granddaughter of Debbie Durila, Johnny Yurko, Vince Knotts, Mike Durila, Helen Bury
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AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
January 2025