Prelude: Ron Dobscha
ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO WORSHIP: (from Psalm 140) We praise You, sovereign LORD! You shield us in times of trouble. The LORD secures justice for the poor The LORD upholds the cause of the needy The righteous will praise Your name Surely they will live in Your presence We come now to worship You, O LORD. You have rescued and upheld Your people! INVOCATION: *Hymn “There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood” (See Insert) * PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Lord, when our lives are filled with trouble and the circumstances of this life, we often forget all that You have done for us and in us. Instead of turning to You in thankfulness and for help, we often hide ourselves from You. We doubt Your power and control over creation and we try to go at this life on our own. We don’t love You or love our neighbors as we should. We reject Your commands as the rule of our lives. Forgive us for the many ways we have sinned and bring those sins to light so that we may turn to You again. Have mercy on us and remember our sins no more. Amen *Time of silent prayer *Assurance of Pardon *Response – Gloria Patri # 581 *Passing of the peace Children’s Chat Prayer for Illumination Scripture reading: Isaiah 62: 1-5 Mary Esselstyn Sermon text: Galatians 2: 15-21 *Hymn “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” # 263 *Apostles Creed (on back of Joys & Concerns) Presentation of our tithes and offering Offertory *Doxology # 606 *Prayer of dedication Concerns and celebrations Prayers of the people The Lord’s Prayer *Hymn “Just a Closer Walk with Thee # 835 Benediction Postlude Ron Dobscha
Remember our food collection, and Jesus said,
“You give them something to eat”. Please let Betty Fisher know of anyone within the community that may be in need at this time. Session meeting Monday Jan 29th at 7 pm Dartball; Tuesday Jan, 21 at home against West Washington. Practice starts at 7 and game starts 7:30. Next Sunday, January 26th is our Congregation Meeting after Taylorstown church service is over. Please stay for snacks at hospitality table and friendship till 12:30 when the meeting will start. January 26th is the last day for our giveback blanket project. Thank you everyone for your contribution. It is appreciated. The missionary meeting and WOW meetings will start up again in February weather permitting, Jean Kuhn is coming along slowly but progress is going great. She misses being here with church family.
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AuthorWe are a small, rural Presbyterian church in southwestern Pennsylvania. Archives
January 2025